(Pictured is Before, Immediately After, and Healed)

Enhance your lips with color that does not go away.  Lip Blush is done with a single needle to sprinkle pigment throughout the lip resulting in natural, soft, just bitten lip color.  Saturation level can be a sheer tint, to more of a lipstick look.  Color options are endless and through consulting at appointment is decided on.  Feel free to bring your favorite lip color or inspiration pictures.  Lip Blush lasts 1-3 years with fading overtime and annual color boosts recommended.  Lips are prenumbed as well as secondary numbing throughout the procedure.  Pain level is always kept in check and is a very minimally invasive procedure.

Lip Blushing

Pre/Post Care

  • If you are prone to fever blisters, you MUST take prescribed medication Valtrex pre and post appointment.

  • Make sure your are 100% hydrated

  • Exfoliate and moisturize lips days before the appointment to ensure for no flakiness of lip skin at appointment

  • After appointment you will be sent home with an after kit and instructions to wash and moisturize daily.